Dies ist eine Gemeinschaftsseite der beiden Firmen

Albach Nordamerika Vertrieb und Verwaltung GmbH
Eberhard-Fugger-Straße 4
A-5020 Salzburg

mobile +49 (0) 151 22641740

eMail  rewitzer@albachinternational.com

CEO: Daniel Rewitzer

VAT: ATU70375989


WRTP Trading Limited
Manchester Business Park
3000 Aviator Way
Manchester M22 5 TG (Great Britain)

mobile +49 (0)171 7729894
CEO: Thomas Mayer

VAT: GB264988837



Please note, Albach Nordamerika Distribution Group is a independent Sales Distributor and is separate to Albach Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG (Manufacturer). The Manufacturer is not liable for any action or business of the Distributor. Every Sales Contract or Business Relationship of Northamerican Customers is only done with the Distributor